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September 2019 CD name Price
CDA-1837/38-2 Andersson-Palme: Puccini - Tosca 300 kr
Stage recording from a performance at Kungliga Teatern / Royal Swedish Opera, Stockholm September 20th, 1984. Carlo Felice Cillario conducted The Royal Swedish Orchestra and among the soloist were Rolf Bj rling, Erik Saed&ecute;n and Anders Bergstr m
August 2019 CD name Price
CDS-1120-2 Hallberg / Dente - Symphonies 185 kr
Hallberg's Symphony in F major - the first movement's elegant introduction reveals that this is not a symphony in the heroic style but more a gentle alternative, almost lyrical-romantic. Dente's Symphony is full of energy and vitality.
May 2019 CD name Price
CDO-1118/19-2 Per August lander: Blenda 350 kr
At the time of the conception of Ölander s only opera, Brenda in the 1870s, it was neither an inexperienced composer nor an unschooled musician that decided to master a new genre. After its premiere at what is now the Royal Swedish Opera in Stockholm the 25th of April 1876, the opera won a prize in a contest that had been announced by king Oscar II.
April 2019 CD name Price
CDS-1117-2 Torbj rn Iwan Lundquist - Suites 185 kr
One of the Nobel Prize winner Selma Lagerl f most dramatized, G sta Berling s saga, the depiction of the major s wife and the cavaliers at Ekeby Manor in V rmland, adapted for radio by Olle Mattsson. The music for the play became so praised that it was released on LP. The suite consists of eight movements.
CDA-1832/33 The art of Singing: Lars Bj rling, Vol.3 255 kr
I have spent a great deal of my life exploring the secrets of the Italian bel canto, conveyed by David and my Father, and I have reached the conclusion that there are no secrets; it is just the natural voice that has to be heard, free from settings and so-called tone formation
Januari 2019 CD name Price
CDA-1829-2 Geijer / Randel - String Quartets 160 kr
As editor of the The Geatish society s magazine, Geijer published his own poems in the spirit of the time and also his music settings of these. Geijer showed early a great talent for music and studied at times with different teachers

As concertmaster at the Royal Opera Orchestra Randel arranged and composed music for some 20 plays. Especially famous is his composition and arrangement of F A Dahlgren s play V rml nningarna (1846), which for many years was a loved and recurrent feature of the repertoire of the Stockholm Opera.
November 2018 CD name Price
CDA-1826/27 The art of Signing: Lars Bj rling vol.2 300 kr
I have spent a great deal of my life exploring the secrets of the Italian bel canto, conveyed by David and my Father, and I have reached the conclusion that there are no secrets
CDM-3004-2 Torbj rn Iwan Lundquist 185 kr
As in most of Lundquist s symphonies, this symphony begins with a primal cell, his association theme, a gust of wind, which unfolds into a grandiose sunrise. Nature means a lot for Lundquist. After the premiere in Gothenburg in October 1985, with the Gothenburg Symphony under the direction of Sixten Ehrling, who also got the dedication, the composer withdrew the score and revised it slightly a year later. Performance, yes - because the composition does not feel completely finished until I heard it says Lundquist.
July 2018 CD name Price
CDA-1828-2 Maria! Maria! 160 kr
Welcome into the Birgittine sisters world of Gregorian chant! Also known as Fr lsarorden, the Birgittine Order is the only one with Scandinavian origins. Saint Birgitta (ca 1303-1373) and her collaborator and confessor, Petrus Olavi of Sk nninge, laid its foundations in Rome, in the 1350s. Birgitta had moved there in 1349, and remained in that city for the rest of her life. After the first Birgittine abbey opened in Vadstena in 1384, the order rapidly spread across Europe.
May 2018 CD name Price
CDA-1824/25 Staffan Bj rklund-Jullander: Improvisations, Concert Etudes & Meditations 300 kr
All music (except Bellman) on this double CD is either improvised or composed by me. Part in a freer form, others with a more solid structure. As a bonus, there is an arrangement of the first movement from Mozart's Symphony No. 40, which I did for choir and piano.
CDS-1116-2 Jaques-Dalcroze - Song cycle for voice 185 kr
Emile Jaques-Dalcroze composed in almost all genres except religious music. His style and aesthetic approach were characterized above all by his exceptional melodic gift and the originality of his feeling for rhythm. Though close to the French school, he also felt the influence of German post-romanticism.
CDA-1818-2 To Cecilia - Swedish Love Songs 160 kr
Sankta Cecilia has since the middle ages been regarded as the patron saint of music, and above all the church music. She is portrayed with musical instruments on a variety of paintings and the organ has been her special attribute. Cecilia's name day on November 22, has over the centuries been celebrated with music festivals and many composers have written pieces in her honor.
February 2018 CD name Price
CDA-1813/16-2 Richard Wagner: G tterd mmerung 380 kr
This recording of part 4 of Wagner epic work, the Ring, was done in 1987 where Aarhus symphony orchestra and the Jutland choir assist Laila-Andersson Palme and Elliot Palay performing G tterd mmerung.
CDS-1113-2 Martin Scherber Orchestral Works & Songs 185 kr
Martin Scherber was born in 1907 in Nuremberg. He was a confirmed loner and little is known about his career. At the age of just five he played the violin and started to imitate things he had heard on the piano. He showed great reluctance to learn to read music, but soon acquired remarkable skill at piano improvisation. At the age of thirteen he started to compose. He appeared in public for the first time as a pianist in Nuremberg in 1922, and first presented compositions of his own the following year. During the Second World War he served as a soldier, and following the war he devoted himself to teaching and composition.
January 2018 CD name Price
CDA-1822/23 The art of Singing: Lars Bj rling 300 kr
After a banking career, Lars Bj rling returned to singing with studies in Rome under Debora Fambri. Here he could get first hand knowledge of bel canto under her safe guidance
December 2017 CD name Price
CDS-1115-2 Julius Beliczay: Orchestral Works 185 kr
This is our first Hungarian Romantic CD. Julius Beliczay is a truly sensational but forgotten composer who completely mastered the symphonic art. Much influenced by Robert Schumann and some believe his orchestrations are even better. We know numerous excellent composers who began their careers as an officer, official or doctor. However, it is quite rare that someone, in this case Beliczay, performed excellently in both civil duties and in music.
August 2017 CD name Price
CDS-1107-2 Julian Carrillo Orchestral Works 185 kr
In 1899 the Mexican government awarded a grant to the young musician, Julian Carrillo then aged 24, to continue his studies in Europe. In Leipzig he entered the Royal Conservatoire where he studied composition with Salomon Jadassohn, violin with Hans Becker and theory with Carl Reinecke, who also taught another great Mexican composer: Ricardo Castro
May 2017 CD name Price
CDA-1820/21 Kurt Weill: A portrait - from Berlin to New York 300 kr
Kurt Weill was a completely groundbreaking composer in that he, along with Bertolt Brecht developed the characteristic cabaret style (Song) inspired by the American jazz music, minstrel shows and vaudeville with influences from Jewish klezmer music.
April 2017 CD name Price
CDO-1111/12 Svart r vitt - sa Kejsaren 350 kr
The fairytail opera by Laci Boldemann had its premiere on New Years day 1965 and are staged in the orient in the beginning of the Christian era, about the time when three wise men were seaching for a star.
March 2017 CD name Price
CDA-1817-2 Novosax 160 kr
The saxophone, being a modern instrument, has a very recent musical literature that covers all the 20th century, which includes all the new compositive languages and stimulates the composers creativity.
CDA-1819-2 Iwa S renson - Poetic & Romantic Songs 160 kr
The Swedish soprano Iwa S renson studied at the Music Academies in Gothenburg and Cologne and at the Opera School in Gothenburg. She made her opera d but in Don Pasquale at Malm Opera och Musikteater in 1978
February 2017 CD name Price
CDM-3003 Peter Lindroth - in our time 185 kr
Peter Lindroth r synnerligen m ngsidig. Han har h llit p med dansband och pop men r nu p heltid tons ttare. Hans m ngsidighet har resulterat i en synnerligen varierad CD. En helt fascinerande utg va i sin variationsrikedom.
August 2016 CD name Price
CDA-1808-2 Love Almqvist - Mitt v sendes ton 160 kr
Lennart Hedwall spelar Love Almqvist pianostycken fr n Mitt v sendes ton och Fria Fantasier f r piano. Love Almqvist r en av de f nnu aktuella svenska f rfattarna f re Strindberg
June 2016 CD name Price
CDO 1108/10-2 Wilhelm Stenhammar - Gillet p Solhaug 400 kr
Man kan i m ngt och mycket se Stenhammars Gillet som ett av m nga nordiska f rs k att koppla ihop det wagnerska musikdramat med den nationalromantiska traditionen
December 2015 CD name Price
CDA-1809/10 Siw Wennberg Vol.7 - Recital from Skansen 300 kr
Recorded at Skansen Stockholm 18th July 1993 / Recorded at Stockholm Opera house 17. apr 1993
CDA-1811/12 Siw Wennberg Vol.8 - New Year's Concert - Songs with piano 300 kr
Recorded at Junsele 10.july 1986 / Confidensen 25.maj 2000 / Chicago 5.Apr 1991 / Katarina kyrka, Stockholm 1.jan 2004
CDA-1699-2 Fanny Hensel 160 kr
In 1843, Fanny put together an album with piano pieces that she gave to the brother Felix for his birthday. It is a well balanced collection with an ambitious title. They were published in separate collections by Robert Lienau Musikverlag in 1997 and the complete suite has not earlier been released on CD
CDS 1106-2 Richardo Castro 185 kr
This present album is an outstanding accomplishment of great historical importance, as it brings together the first examples of a symphonic poem, piano and cello concertos ever composed in Latin America.
October 2015 CD name Price
CDA-1804/05 Siw Wennberg Vol.5 - Arias and Songs with Orchestra 300 kr
This fifth volume in the Sterling series includes performances of famous opera arias and some rare ones. The sleepwalker scene in the Lady Mackbeth includes a high D flat in pianissimo at the end, a world class performance where Siv Wennberg have few peers.
SWM Siw Wennberg Memoarer - Jag sjunder ut! 298 kr
Siv Wennberg har, mellan alla upptredande och engagement f tt tid att dela med sig av sitt liv i bokform. Det blir lite avsl jande, n gra h jer nog p gonbrynen medans andra kan bli lite arga. Det r s med memoarer.
July 2015 CD name Price
CDA-1802/03 Siv Wennberg Vol.6 - Maskeradbalen 300 kr
This is the recording of the 1985 performance in Stockholm. The lead role is performed by Nicolai Gedda and Siv Wennberg sings Ameila. This recording was broadcasted live on the 16th of December and has not been released on CD earlier

Toccata June 2013