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The first in a series of collaborations, where new Swedish poetry meets contemporary music. Stig Larsson is a poet, dramatist and director, well known for his immediate, distinct yet expansive language. The composer Dror Feiler, who also performs on this recording, is known all over Europe for his original, bold music.
Stig Larsson läser dikterna Nyponsoppa, Mat Mater Mata! Matt, Mänskligt med musik av Dror Feiler, en av Sveriges mest kraftfulla och egensinniga tonsättare.
Disc No: ALCD 018
Price: Sek. 159
Name: Stig Larsson & Dror Feiler
  Poetry & Music


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Feiler, Dror   Poems   Stig Larsson reads three poems from his book "Matar"
Dror Feiler

Toccata, May 2004 Webmaster