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On this recording, Akantus concentrates on Italian compositions from the first half of the 17th century, a seminal period in the history of European music and the breeding ground of music of extraordinary beauty. In a now famous manifesto, Giovanni Bardi, perhaps the most celebrated musical theorist of his day and founder of the musical society, the Camerata Fiorentina, gave formal expression to the new conceptions emphasising the personal ˜ as opposed to the merely divine ˜significance of the human voice in music.
På denna CD framför Akantus musik från Italien och sextonhundratalets första hälft. Den kanske mest kände musikteoretikern och grundaren av sammanslutningen Camerata Fiorentina, Giovanni Bardi, formulerade i ett mycket välkänt manifest tidens nya tankar om den personliga - och inte endast den gudomliga - röstens betydelse i musiken.
Disc No: ALCD 017
Price: Sek. 150 (2CD)
Name: Akantus: I´vo Piangendo
  Italian 17th-century music


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Frescobaldi, Girolamo   Italian 17th century music   Lena Susanne Norin, voice
Peter Söderberg, teorbo, baroque-guitar
Leif Henrikson, viola da gamba
d´India, Sigismondo   Italian 17th century music  
Kapsberger, Hieronymus   Italian 17th century music  
Caccini, Giulio   Italian 17th century music  
Castaldi, Bellerofonte   Italian 17th century music  
Castello, Dario   Italian 17th century music  

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