Disc No: PACK309
Price: Sek. 105
Name: Miles Davies -
 That old Black Magic

Miles Davis has quite a career, one with so many innovations that his name is one of the few that can be mentioned in the same sentence as Duke Ellington. As a trumpeter he possessed a distingtive cool-toned sound of his own.
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Composer Music Recorded Perfomer
Monk, Thelonious 52nd Street Theme Miles Davies
Davis, Miles Half Nelson
Gillespie, Dizzie You got to my Head
Parker, Charlie Chasing' the Bird
Dameron, Tadd Hot House
Davis, Miles Wee
Powell, Bud Tempus Fugit
Davis, Miles Evance (out of the blue)
Best Move
Lawrence, Jack Tenderly
Gillespie, Dizzie Night in Tunisia
Davis, Miles Dig
Shearing, George Conception
Brown, Roy Ray's idea
Arlen, Harold That old black magic
Pettiford, Oscar Max is making wax
Gillespie, Dizzie Woody'n you
Parker, Charlie Ornithology
Gershwin, George Embraceable you
Davis, Miles Milestones
Parker, Charlie Scrapple the apple
Parker, Charlie Bird of Pradise
Davis, Miles Down
Dameron, Tadd The Squirrel
Dameron, Tadd Lady Bird
Parker, Charlie Confirmation
Davis, Miles Out of the blue
Raye, Don I'll remember April
Parker, Charlie Yardbird Suite
Porter, Cole What is this thing called Love
Harburg, EY That old devil Moon
Hayman, Richard Out of nowhere
Carter, Benny When lights are low
Coleman, Earl Don't explain to me baby
Johnston, Arthur My old flame
Mulligan, Jerry Jeru
McHugh, Jimmy Don't blame me
Green, Jonny You came along from out of nowhere
Coleman, Earl Don't sing me that blues
Davis, Miles No blues
van Heusen, Jimmy Darn that dream
Davis, Miles The Serpent's tooth

Toccata, September 2007 Webmaster