Disc No: PACK305
Price: Sek. 105
Name: Ella Fitzgerald -
 Dedicated to you

As amazing as MS. Fitzgerald's musical talent were, equally amazing is the fact that she managed not to fall through the cracks in the segragated child welfare system of the 1930's. A victim of powerty and abuse, Ms. Fitzgerald was able to transcend circumstance and develop into one of the greatest mucisians that America has ever produced.
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Composer Music Recorded Perfomer
Roberts, Allan Into each life some rain must fall Ella Fitzgerald
Bloom, Rube Don't worry about me
McHugh, Jimmy I mus't have that man
Ruby, Harry Always be in love with you
Myrow, Joseph Keep cool, fool
Porter, Cole My heart belongs to daddy
Reed Holiday in Harlem
Shavers, Charlie Undecided
Malneck, Matt Starways to the stars
Webb, Chick Crying mood
Cahn, Sammy Dedicated to you
Von Tilzer, Albert I'm the loneliest gal in towm
Watts, Alan If you ever change your mind
Fitzgerald, Ella Everyone 's wrong but me
Shivers This time of for real
Loeb, John Jacob A four leaf clover in your pocket
Raye, Don Love that boy
Frenire We can't go on this way
Lewis, Morgan How high the moon
Arlen, Harold It's only a paper moon
Curtis, Sonny Love and kisses
Rodgers, Richard Thou swell
Victor, Floyd A kiss goodnight
Robins, S Flying home
Laveen Petootie pie
Ellsworth, William Ella
Lawrence, Jack Big boy blue
Kendis, James Billy ( I always had a dream of Billy)
Livingstone, Dennis I'm just a Jitterburg
McHugh, Jimmy When my sugar walks down the strret
Werner, Kay Coochi coochi coo
Skylar Louisville K-Y
Clinton, Larry Dipsy Doodle
Daniel Woe is me
Monaco, James V You're gonna loose your gal
Parker, Charlie This love of mine
Fitzgerald, Ella A tisket-a tasket
Hopkins, John Henry Crying my heart out for you
DePaul, Gene Cow Cow boogie
Williams, Clarence Baby won't you please come home
Brooks, Shelton Darktown strutter's ball
Cahn, Sammy Love you're just a laugh
Gordon, Mack Time alone will tell
Coslow, Sam You'l have to swing it (Mr. Paganini)
Sampson, Edgar Melvin I'll chase the blues away
Webb, Chick You can't be mine and somebody else's too
Myrow, Joseph Five o'clock wistle
Fitzgerald, Ella When I get low I get high
Kern, Jerome Can't help loving that man
Ruby, Harry Three little words
Fitzgerald, Ella Deedle-de-dum
Donaldson, Walter Little white lies
Fitzgerald, Ella Mama come home
Howard, Eddy My last goodbye

Toccata, September 2007 Webmaster