Disc No: TC 881 301
The author of a vast number of compositions including about forty operas and ballets, eleven symphonies and eleven concertos, numerous pieces for the piano, chamber and vocal works, as well as critical studies, literary writings and memoirs, Gian Francesco Malipiero lived and worked in a difficult and extraordinary balance between the new and the old. He was unquestionably the most important and complete musician of the Generazione dell Ottanta, a member of the avant-garde of the first post-war period, and an advocate of an anti-romantic conception of harmony without the residue of nineteenth-century chromaticism.
Price: Sek. 170
Name: Malipiero - Integrale
  delle Composizioni per cello

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Malipiero, Gian Francesco (1882-1973)   Sonata per violincello e piano 1908 Sabrina Alberti, Pianoforte
Luca Paccagnella, Violoncello
Malipiero, Gian Francesco   Canto nell'infinito  
Malipiero, Gian Francesco   Sonatina per cello e piano 1945
Malipiero, Gian Francesco   Hortus conclusus 1946

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