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Disc No: PR89709
This series from Preiser titled 'Lebendige Vergangenheit' includes more than 300 CDs with great perfomances from great performers. All masterly reproduced using the latest technique to regain the voices as they were performed.
Price: Sek. 160
Name: Lebendige Vergangenheit
  Tito Schipa Vol 5 - Italian Songs, Etc


ComposerMusic Recording datePerformer
Rodr guez, Gerardo Matos La cumparsita
Tito Schipa, Tenor
Tagliaferri, Ernesto Amore canta
Amadori, Luis Carlos Confesi n
Serrano, Emilio Donde est s, coraz n
Vardaro, Elvino Tinieblas
Schipa, Tito Ojos Lindos y Mentirosos
Cannio, Enrico O surdato 'nnammurato
Pizzaroni Fenesta ascura
Schipa, Tito Napule
Capua, Eduardo di Maria, Mar
Boero, Felipe El matrero - Romanza de Pedro
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Sadko - no 4, Song of the Indian Guest
Lomuto, Francisco Dimelo al oido
Francisco Lomuto, 10-String Bass
Tito Schipa, Tenor
Fresedo, Osvaldo Vida m a
Tito Schipa, Tenor
Schipa, Tito Esperanza
Schipa, Tito Serenata alla luna
Bellini, Renato Caravanna nella notte
Bellini, Renato Mu!...Mu!
Richepin, Tiarko Francois Le plus beau moment du jour
Caslar La canzone di ognuno - M'ha detto di "No!"
Hirsch, Il mio birichin
Gambardella, Salvatore O marenariello
Torres, Frederico Long s En effeuillant la Marguerite
Curtis, Ernesto de Torna a Surriento

Toccata, September 2014 Webmaster