Ondine Records
Disc No: ODE 1052 Composer Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) and artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1865-1931) are major figures in the history of the Finnish arts and both created works inspired by the Kalevala, the Finnish national epic. This disc features Kalevala-derived music by Sibelius and images of Gallen-Kallela's best-known paintings of scenes from the text.
Price: Sek. 175
Name: Music and Art
  Inspired by Kalevala


ComposerOpusMusicKey Year Performer
Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957) Op. 49 Pohjola's Daughter     Finnish National Opera Chorus / Finnish National Opera Orchestra - Leif Segerstam
Sibelius, Jean Op. 22 Lemmink inen Legends - The Swan of Tuomela     Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra - Tuomas Ollila-Hannikainen
Sibelius, Jean   Lemmink inen Legends - Lemmink inen's Return     Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra - Eri Klas
Sibelius, Jean Op. 110 (1926) V in n virsi (V in 's Song)    
Sibelius, Jean Op. 31/1 Laulu Lemmink iselle (Song to Lemmink inen)    
Sibelius, Jean Op. 112 Tapiola, Symphonic Poem for Orchestra    

Toccata, June 2009 Webmaster