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Disc No: CDLX 7325 Witold Maliszewski (b. 1873) died in 1939 and thus his musical career spanned the great days of pre-Revolutionary Russia as well as the Soviet Union before the Second World War. He became associated with the publisher Belaieff and thus with a wide constituency of Russian composers including Cui, Lyadov, Scriabin, Taneyev and Glazunov. Maliszewski established a significant career as a composer and was the first Rector of the Odessa Conservatory.
Price: Sek. 165
Name: Withold Maliszewski

Maliszewski, Withold Piano Concerto
Op. 27     B flat minor
Royal Scottish National Orchestra - Martin Yates
Peter Donohoe, piano
Maliszewski, Withold Symphony No. 3
Op. 14     C minor

Toccata, March 2017 Webmaster