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Disc No: CDLX 7225 World premiere recording
Joseph Spooner’s eloquent cello finds exactly the right style for this survey of largely Victorian cello music, including the Cello Sonata in E minor of 1861 by Walter Macfarren, notable for its lyrical impetus and cascading piano accompaniment. Also heard are Michael Balfe’s tuneful Sonata in A flat from the late 1860s, and Edgar Bainton’s imposing Sonata of 1924, contemporary with sonatas by Delius, Bax and Ireland and with which it shares period and imagery. Coleridge-Taylor’s Variations in B minor, Rosalind Ellicott’s A Reverie (1888) and a charming Roger Quilter song arrangement (To Daisies) complete a tuneful and original programme.
Price: Sek. 165
Name: Walter Macfarren

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MacFarren, Walter Cello Sonata
    E minor    
Joseph Spooner, cello
Kathryn Mosley, piano
Balfe, Michael Cello Sonata
-1866     A flat major    
Joseph Spooner, cello
Michael Jones, piano
Ellicott, Rosalind A Reverie
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel Variations
-1905     B minor    
Quilter, Roger To Daisies
op.8 no.3          
Bainton, Edgar Cello Sonata

Toccata, August 2009 Webmaster