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      Inhouse stock by 10th of December 2024 - BIS

Nr. Title Antall Pris
BIS-162 Lund Studentsångare 1 175
BIS-242 Rogg plays Reger 1 175
BIS-289 Otto Olsson - Te Deum 2 175
BIS-394 Schumann re-orchestrated by Mahler 1 175
BIS-509 Schonberg/Frescobaldi/Ligheti 1 175
BIS-516 GADE - string Quartet 1 175
BIS-533 Christmas Music - OD 1 175
BIS-551 Fagius and Mats Jansson plays in Norway 1 175
BIS-638 Lindberg 10 year Jubilee 1 175
BIS-641 Nielsen - Theatre Music 2 175
BIS-692 Leifs - Complete Piano Music 1 175
BIS-700 Mahler Symphony no.8 8 45
BIS-710 Gubaidulina - Silenzio 1 175
BIS-768 CPE Bach - KlavierConcerto 4 2 175
BIS-817 Sibelius - Complete music for Cello and Piano 1 175
BIS-833 Orpheus dränger - Våren är kommen 1 175
BIS-861 Sibelius - Symphony 1& 4 1 175
BIS-865 Vivaldi - Recorder Concerti 4 175
BIS-888 Lindberg - Arabenne 1 175
BIS-900 Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto 2&3 1 175
BIS-915 Sibelius - Karelia 1 175
BIS-925 Petterson-Berger - Frösöblomster 1 175
BIS-931 J.S.Bach - Cantanta no.9 2 175
BIS-959 The Israeli Connection 1 175
BIS-1029 Baroque Arias - Yoshikazu Mera 1 175
BIS-106501 Handel - Sacred Arias + 2003 catalogue 2 175
BIS-1068 Haukur Tomasson - Concerto for Violin 1 175
BIS-1076 Works for Cello and Piano 2 175
BIS-1106 Agathe Backer Gr nsahl - Piano Music 1 175
BIS-1159 From A to Z - A 1 175
BIS-1160 Kempf plays Chopin 1 175
BIS-1239 Cafe au Lait - Bezaly 1 175
BIS-1259 From A to Z - BC 2 175
BIS-SA-1362 Beethoven - Solo piano Vol.1 1 185
BIS-1368 Glazunov - Symphony No.1 & 6 1 175
BIS-SA-1472 Beethoven - Solo piano Vol.2 1 185
BIS-SA-1481 J.S.Bach - Cantanta no.31 1 185
BIS-1496 Five Nordic Masters 1 510
BIS-SA-1500 J.S.Bach - St. Matthew Passion 1 185
BIS-SA-1501 J.S.Bach - Cantanta no.32 3 185
BIS-SA-1541 J.S.Bach - Cantanta no.33 1 185
BIS-1560 Lepo Sumera - Mushroom Cantatas 2 185
BIS-SA-1571 J.S.Bach - Cantanta no.35 1 185
BIS-SA-1738 Mendelssohn - String symphonies 1 185
BIS-SA-1801 J.S.Bach - Cantanta no.45 2 185
BIS-SA-1961 J.S.Bach - Cantanta no.51 1 185
BIS-SA-1970 Refractions 1 185
BIS-SA-1971 Bach Secular Cantatas II 1 185
BIS-SA-1981 J.S.Bach - Cantanta no.52 1 185
BIS-SA-1991 J.S.Bach - Cantanta no.53 1 185
BIS-SA-2051 Bach - Concerto for 2 harpsichords 2 185

C: Toccata 2007