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Avie Records      
Disc No: AV 0028
Price: Sek. 155 It’s easy to imagine the well-documented first performance of Handel’s Water Music, played by at least 50 musicians on a barge floating down the Thames for a royal procession. But what was the score’s first incarnation? After all, Baroque composers would shamelessly beg, borrow and steal from their own music, whatever it took to make a few extra bob.
Name: Handel - Oxford
 Water Music


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Handel, Georg Friedrich Op.5 no.4 Trio Sonata G major The Brook Street Band
LeClair Op.60 Premiere Recreation de musique D major
Corelli, Arcangelo Op.2 no.12 Trio Sonata G major
Corelli, Arcangelo Op.1 no.7 Trio Sonata C major
Geminiani   Sonata V A minor
Handel, Georg Friedrich   Oxford Water Music suite F Major
Handel, Georg Friedrich   Oxford Water Music suite G minor
Handel, Georg Friedrich   Oxford Water Music suite D major
Handel, Georg Friedrich Op.2 no.3 Trio Sonata B flat major

Toccata, April 2004 Webmaster